10/16, decoding dyslexia, MA day on the hill
ROOM 511
DDMA will be meeting at the State House of the Commonwealth of MA from 2:00 - 4:00. For a Picture on the State House Grand Staircase How YOU can make this event effective 1. Plan to attend, if all you do is come that is fine, the more the better. 2. Contact your Representative and Senator and ask them and their staff to attend. (If you do not ask them they will not come.) Find your REPRESENTATIVE HERE Contact them by email and phone (Don’t be shy they have staff sitting around all day waiting for you to call they work for you remember.) DON'T FORGET to check and see who is actually up for reelection and is anyone running against them. Invite them to support Dyslexia Awareness by taking a photo with the proclamation. Make your points in person. Just focus on awareness for now to get them involved. TALKING POINTS When we are at the State House stick to the relevant points. 1. Dyslexia is Biological/Neurological and is not a disease 2. Dyslexia makes it hard to learn to read but scientists know with 30 years of research exactly what type of teaching (Sequenced, Explicit, Multi-sensory, Instruction that is Evidence Based) will work 3. Schools often do not recognize dyslexia, find it too late or use the wrong instruction (Reading Recovery is expensive and proven not to work with dyslexic students. 4. The community cost when parents and teachers don’t know 5. The private/personal cost to those that have to fight for their kids Any questions please email Nancy at [email protected] or Nicole Mitsakis at [email protected]
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April 2017