12/3, ipads for adults with disabilities
iPads for Adults with Developmental Disabilities
When: December 3, 2014 9:30am-12:30pm Where: Easter Seals Worcester Office 484 Main Street Worcester Presented by: Kate Ahern, M.S. Ed. Assistive Technology Specialist Fee: $80 iPads for Adults with Developmental Disabilities will focus on some of the accessibility features of the iPad such as large print, speak selection and guided access as well as free and low cost (under $15) Apps to enhance the lives of people with developmental disabilities to live, learn, work and play. Learning Outcomes: · List at least two apps that will enhance the live(s) of your clients/adult children. · Show how to enter the accessibility section of settings To Register for this workshop please email Kim Livingston at [email protected] or call 508-751-6328
11/19, Autism Insurance webinar
Autism Insurance Resource CenterJoin us for a Webinar
Space is limited. To reserve your space contact, [email protected] (if you require accommodations, please let us know at least 1 week prior to the date the webinar is scheduled) Title: Autism Insurance in Massachusetts Date: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 Time: Noon - 1:30PM After sending in your email to register ([email protected]) you will receive a confirmation email by Tuesday, November 18th containing information about how to join the webinar. Amy K. Weinstock Director Creating Family Pathways to Well-Being. Monday, November 17, 2014, 6-7:45PM South Shore VNA, Overcoming Addiction As a Family. An Introduction to Motivation Positive Reward, and Family Training. For more information and RSVP 11/17, Transiton plans webinar
Inspiring Vision Statements, Measurable Goals, and Dynamic Action Plans
Even when you know what the law mandates about transition services --how do you bridge the gap between theory and practice? This webinar offers examples of how parents can work effectively with educators so that students will be well-prepared to take on the challenges of life after high school. Facilitators Jennie DunKley is a 15-year veteran special education consultant and advocate. She is a senior trainer for the Federation for Children with Special Needs (FCSN). Jennie is a SpedEx Advisory Committee member and is the past Chairperson of the Massachusetts Special Education Advisory Council. Marilyn Weber is a transition advocate with more than 15 years' experience working with youth between the ages of 14 and 22. Marilyn was the Partnership Director for DRYVE, a youth career center funded by the Workforce Initiative Act. Date: Monday, November 17, 2014 Time: 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Fee: $40 per registered email A recording of this presentation will be available at the close of the class to registered participants Webinar Registration and more information Why Does My Child Behave Like That? Do you ever feel frustrated by your child's behavior? What can we do as parents to help our children on the autism spectrum increase their ability to stay calm, cope better with frustration, get along better with others, think more flexibly, solve everyday problems, and transition with less trauma? Join Brenda Dater, author of Parenting without Panic and Director of Child and Teen Services at AANE, to learn practical strategies to make home life function more smoothly. Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Fee: $40 per registered email (Use the code AANERED to get 50% off) A recording of this presentation will be available at the close of the class to registered participants Webinar Registration My Child Just Got Diagnosed Now what? When your child gets an Autism Spectrum diagnosis it's hard to know what to do first. Join other parents to learn about the most common characteristics of Autism Spectrum/Asperger Syndrome, including basic information about behavioral issues, parenting strategies, disclosure, and school concerns. This seminar is exclusively for parents, family members, and caregivers. Nov. 10, 7-9:30 Register here 11/8, Preparing for college
Join presenters Jane Thierfeld Brown, EdD, and Lorraine Wolf, PhD, as they discuss the key steps needed for success after high school for students with Asperger Syndrome and related profiles. The topics to be covered are:
November 8, 9A-3P Fees $100 AANE member / $150 for Nonmembers (includes a copy of The Parent's Guide to College for Students on the Autism Spectrum) MORE INFORMATION 11/5, Anxiety. What works?
Anxiety: What Works? Interventions to Address Anxiety in Adolescents November 5, 2014 7:00pm Scituate High School Library An impressive number of students experience some form and/or degree of anxiety during their school years. In sharp contrast to "Externalizing Disorders" (such as aggression, conduct problems, hyperactivity, and/or antisocial behavior), anxiety in an " Internalizing Disorder." Simply stated, it cannot always be seen or easily identified. Moreover, in a typical classroom setting, it is much easier to overlook, under-identify or treat students with anxiety ineffectively. Adolescents who experience anxiety often suffer alone. They may face challenges quietly and fail to seek help from either parents or teachers. As a result, both well-being and classroom performance are adversely impacted. Importantly, anxiety is developmentally mediated and can be successfully treated. To that end, Dr. Joan Struzziero, Licensed Educational Psychologist and Linda Nathan, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, will present a workshop for parents entitled"What works? Interventions to Address Anxiety in Adolescents" on November 5th 7pm-8:30pm at the Scituate High School Library. This workshop is sponsored by the Scituate Special Education Parent Advisory Committee (PAC). Research-based interventions for parents and teachers will be identified and explored. The goal is to increase participants' awareness of anxiety in adolescents and to link assessment with intervention. Importantly, treatment is very effective. When parents and teachers work collaboratively to address and treat anxiety, efforts can be extraordinarily successful! When: November 5th 7:00-8:30pm Where: Scituate High School Library Dr. Janet Kent speaking on CONCUSSIONS
with Marissa Frank, DPT 7-8:30pm COHASSET Paul Pratt Library, Community Room “CONCUSSIONS: ACQUIRED BRAIN INJURIES” presented by Dr. Janet Kent founding director of South Shore Impact Clinic and Marissa Frank, DPT. Sports Concussion ClinicConcussion is the most common head injury in youth sports and is seen on football and soccer fields, volleyball and basketball courts, skating rinks and wherever youth sports activities take place. Over the past decade, the evaluation, management and treatment of concussions in children and teens have evolved rapidly. Since 2008 all Cohasset High School athletes are required to take an IMPACT concussion test prior to play. Physicians in Southeastern Massachusetts now have access to the Sports Concussion Clinic at South Shore Hospital and its integrated, multidisciplinary approach to the evaluation and treatment of sports-related concussions. The program combines Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (or ImPACT), specialized physician visits and physical therapy-based rehabilitation to facilitate safe return to play for student athletes and, when appropriate, their return to academics. It is a Massachusetts state law that all coaches take annual training for concussions. Parents (and students) agree to take a free online class thru NFHS or CDC on Concussions when you sign up your child for sports. Come and learn in-depth the causes, signs and treatments of concussions and other Acquired Brain Injuries. All CONCUSSION related information pertaining to Cohasset athletes may be found at this link. A student with an ABI may receive assistance and educational accommodations from the Student Services department while healing, in the form of an IEP or 504 plan. Janet Kent, MD, who is board-certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation and has worked with patients with brain injuries for more than 10 years. |
April 2017